Trying Motion Graphics

Do Animation without having to draw..

Just tried to click inside After Effects but, it pulled me to it. WOW..! Those movie title animations and online intro stuffs made me giving a try. Was tweaking into After Effects in a hope of making a 10 seconds video, but frames-by-frames AE gave me a lot of option to develop and extend the timeline. Spent 2 months in this (not bad for a beginner, isn't it?)..And no third party plugins..
Also created with a subject- "I can animate without knowing to draw"
Based on tutorials by, VideoCopilot (They made me start!)

BG Music- "Happy" by CrazyTunes (HTTP://­84)(November FreeBee)

Software used- Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premire Pro (Audio Embedding)..
So, what do you think? Hit your thoughts at the comments below..

Motion Graphics
November 3, 2015




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